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TranzAI EO data acquisition pipelines

EO data sources

Satellite data can be acquired from earth observation data sources referenced in the TranzAI platform. Access to data is facilitated by the native support of the STAC specification. The SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) specification provides a common structure for describing and cataloging spatiotemporal asset (ref:

Sentinel 2 L2A

EO data acquisition

The TranzAI EO GUI makes acquiring EO images easy by providing an interface that simply requires drawing your area of interest and specifying the date range of the search. Additional filters can be used according to the preprocessing applied to raw images by the data provider (ex: cloud cover level).

When you define the parameters of your search as an EO DA pipeline, all the metadata of the associated raster images are stored in the TranzAI spatial backend. This metadata can later be used to run feature extraction pipelines on the selected raster assets without having to store it locally.

TranzAI data pipeline for EO data acquisition